Frequently asked questions

Find answers to your questions regarding your car rent at Avis.

Most common questions about fines

  • The administration fee is to cover the work done for the handling of the fine and appealing the fine to the government. We send the issuing authority all address details provided upon pick up and they forward the fine to you for payment.

  • No. Fines cannot be paid to us directly. Once an appeal has been made the issuing authority will contact you directly.

  • On the fine delivered to your home address there are instructions on how to pay. Most important is to proceed with payment as soon as possible to avoid further additional costs. If the fine is not paid within the time limit it is possible you will be registered by the Dutch government.

  • Most of the websites of the issuing authorities have English translations on their website. The issuing authority is mentioned on the fine itself. The most common are: CJIB (Centraal Justitieel Incasso Bureau): City of Amsterdam:

  • The fine cannot be delivered if the address is incorrect. Please contact the issuing authority directly to discuss how to proceed payment or change your address details. Your rental company can no longer adjust this after the appeal has been made.

  • This depends on the issuing authority but can take up to 8 weeks. IMPORTANT: You can only contact the authority after you have received your own traffic fine!

  • The reason for the fine can vary. Most fines we receive are for speeding or breaking parking regulations, however, other violations can also occur. The violation is noted on the fine in the portal. Here are a few translations of the most common traffic violations in Dutch and their translations:

    • Overschrijding maximum snelheid binnen bebouwde kom – Exceeding the speed limit within city limits
    • Overschrijding maximum snelheid op autosnelwegen – Exceeding the speed limit within highway limits.
    • Naheffingsaanslag – Insufficient payment of parking fees.
  • If you have received an email to transfer money to the rental companies bank account it means that for whatever reason the credit card cannot be charged directly (credit card is expired/no funds etc). We ask you to transfer the money within 30 days.

  • We cannot change credit card details after the hire has already ended. The credit card presented upon pick up is the one we use because we have been able to verify who it belongs to. We cannot change the credit card details because of fraud sensitivity.

  • To appeal, you will need an authorization. You can download this from our fines portal. Please click here and login with your licence plate and fine number (“beschikkingsnummer”) +click on “Mail machtiging”.

  • Was the fine driven abroad? Then we may not be able to display a fine because we only receive a digital file. In that case, please wait until you receive the fine at home. In case of a Dutch traffic fine, please contact us at